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Welcome To Our Community
Sweetwater Ridge is a mobile home community that rests comfortably on the highlands overlooking the southwest side of beautiful Bear Lake. Its easy access to the lake, golf course and main highway, makes it an ideal place for a full time residence or a vacation home. Many amenities include a swimming pool, two playgrounds, a basketball court, a volleyball court and common grassy areas for picnics and family fun
Special Notice
Accepting Bids for Summer Grounds Keeper
If you are interested in this summer job, please send an email with your bid to: swridgehoa@gmail.com
The common area grounds keeper takes direction from the board, most of the time the president. These duties usually run from May throughout September of each year. Arrangements for care must be made and reported to the board if you are going to be gone and will not be able to perform the scheduled duties. Your phone number will be posted as point of contact for any problems with the sprinkler systems or the common areas needing attention. The equipment and storage rooms are expected to be always maintained in a clean and orderly fashion. Supplies needed for upkeep of the common areas will be supplied by the association. (if needed) This includes the mowers, gas, oil, all chemicals required for equipment upkeep and grounds upkeep. This position is that of an independent contractor, not an employee of the Association.
- Survey the common areas and sprinkler systems to determine if repairs are needed. Make necessary repairs or make recommendations to the board if you cannot make the required repairs.
- Inspect equipment and make purchases of parts, gas, oil, and other chemicals that might be needed.
- This job is a self-directed position. Sprinklers can be run on automated times and that is the preferred watering method so watering is accomplished after peak daytime hours.
- It is expected that lawns be mowed usually weekly but as needed.
- It is part of the position to spread/spray weed killers, fertilizers, insecticides
- Advise board on landscaping options and trees that might need to be removed.
- Any over and above these duties need to be approved by the board.
- Purchases of supplies up to $200 do not need prior approval.
- Clean, stow and winterize equipment if necessary.
- Drain sprinklers and prepare for winter.
Dena Stark Retiring From Position
Dena Stark is resigning as our treasurer as of 15 January 2025. Dena has been in this position for many years and has done a wonderful job of keeping the books and keeping the board within the budget. We want to thank her for her many years of service to our community.
New Assessment Fee
By now you should be aware that we are raising our assessments. Starting in 2025, they will go from $530 to $600 and are due no later than 31 March 2025. The board works extremely hard to keep costs down so we do not have to increase our assessments, but with the rising costs of living, our costs have increased as well
Take Note of HOA Fee Date Changes
There is one change you need to be aware of and that is the due date for HOA Fees has changed. In the September board meeting the board voted to change the due date from June 30th to March 31st each year. The Early Bird drawing will remain the same. All members that pay in full before February 28th will be entered in the Early Bird drawing and get the following year’s HOA Fees waived! You must be present at our Annual HOA Meeting to receive the Early Bird reward.
Pavilion Reservations
The pavilion area can be reserved for group events such as family reunions. Remember that if you are going to use this area for a large group or overnight use, it is your responsibility to make arrangements for porta-potties to be delivered for the duration of the event. If you are interested in using this area for a large group, please contact Anita Bolt 307-870-7487 or asbolt657@gmail.com.
Tags for Parking/Camping Area
The HOA has purchased reusable tags that can be placed in your vehicle when using the common area parking. We have made efforts to get them distributed but if you did not get one, please let Anita Bolt know and she will get you one. Put your lot number and phone number on them so we can contact you in an emergency.
The camping area has been reserved for a member’s event July 18-21 so plan around that if you have company
planning a visit.
Accepting Bids For Pool Duties
If you are interested in this summer job, please send an email with your bid to: swridgehoa@gmail.com
This position usually runs from May for opening preparation to mid-September for closing duties. The pool operator takes direction from the Certified Pool Operator (CPO) and the board. The job is a seven day a week job. Arrangements for care must be made and reported to CPO if you are going to be gone for more than 36 hours. Your phone number will be posted as point of contact for any problems at the pool. The equipment and storage rooms are expected to be always maintained in a clean and orderly fashion. The position is that of an independent contractor, not an employee of the Association.
Beginning of season:
- Remove winter cover and dry before storing in storage locker
- Attach hand rails and inspect pool skimmers for needed repairs
- Clean restrooms make necessary repairs or arrange for repairs to be accomplished
- Inventory supplies and let board know what is needed for purchase
- Prepare equipment room to start equipment
- Light water heaters
- Start equipment and plan for any repairs that need to be made to equipment
- Balance Chemicals, Clean pool by vacuum and automatic pool cleaner
- Open pool by 9 AM
- Empty trash
- Clean toilets, showers, and floors in restrooms
- Refill paper products in restrooms
- Clean deck around pool as necessary
- Remove any deck furniture that might be broken and arrange around deck
- Clean pool
- Test chemicals and adjust as needed
- Clean filters in skimmers and pump house
- Back flush filter as needed
- Keep daily checklists as required by law
- Report problems to CPO
- Close pool by 9 PM daily
- Drain and winterize pluming in restrooms
- Remove handrails and store
- Place all furniture under awning
- Install winter cover over the pool
- Secure restroom doors from inside
- Back flush sand filter then shut equipment off
- Drain pipes
- Remove chemical sensors and put in storage containers
- Turn propane heater on low.
The pool is being renovated, and this spring will require additional attention and twice daily sweeping and cleaning for a period of 2 weeks prior to opening. Please take that into consideration when bidding the opening.
Your bid may include all these duties or some of these duties. EXAMPLE: If you are not comfortable with doing the winterization of the restrooms leave that out of your bid.
Please be clear in your bid what duties you are bidding on.
PLEASE DO NOT fill in ditches and culverts made by the road crews. Anything dug by them has been done to avoid damage to homeowners and to the roads. This spring, we will again place larger rock in the common area for use by members that need some fill in approaches to their properties.
Parking in Entrance Common Area
The area at the entrance to the park is to be used for short term parking, not long term storage. If you park in this area, the limit is seven (7) days. After seven days, the vehicle will have a boot placed on the wheel; to have it removed, you will need to pay a fine of $25 per day past seven days. Please back up against the hillside leaving the area around the pavilion and the playground clear for use by groups that have arranged to camp and for other events. Every vehicle/camper and RV must have their lot number, telephone number and a name on the vehicle, for us to be able to contact someone in case of emergency. We will make every effort to keep parking permit cards stocked in the area so that your information can be placed on the vehicles.
- Welcome Spring! Almost time to travel back to our great Bear Lake community and enjoy the great outdoors. See you all soon!
- Any of your used household items (small appliances, dishes, pots and pans, clothes, large furniture, etc.) that you wish to throw away can be donated to the local Gift and Thrift store here in Garden City.
Garden Gate Gift and Thrift
65 West Logan Rd #4 Thursday-Saturday 10 – 3

If you would like to receive email updates on park news and activities. Click here and include your name, email address, lot number and billing address in the email.
Updated March 24, 2025