Water Company Billing

Water Company Billing

Water Usage and Bear Lake Water Company billing

Water to Sweetwater Ridge is supplied by Bear Lake Water Company a private water company that we are part owners of.

Water usage to our park is measured through one meter, so you are paying for water that you use in your yearly assessment.  That also means that if your neighbor has a leak that is not being taken care of, you are paying for that as well.  That is why it is important to report any leaks that you may discover around the park.  It keeps the water bill down for all of us!

Bear Lake Water company bills each home owner for special assessments that are used to upgrade the entire system.  As a home owner you will receive a bill twice a year for $160 to cover that assessment.  Every home that is serviced by Bear Lake Water Company pays that same assessment.  Hopefully one day, we will all have our own meters so we will be paying for the water that we use individually.  If you have any billing question for the water company call (435) 757-6307.  For service problems call (435) 946-2919.  The website is blwaterco.com and you can email them at bearlakewater18@gmail.com